a sad day.

A company called Wheelzy purchased my broken car from me. It was honestly a breeze. They met me at the garage, gave me a check, and towed it away for free.

The day I watched my car get towed away was a sad day.

We had been through a lot together. We had crossed the United States 3 times together, got stuck on the side of the mountain together, went down roads we definitely should not have gone down together, and ran out of gas on the side of the highway together. We drove through 5 National Parks and countless state parks, we dealt with flat tires in the middle of the Mojave Desert, and we functioned as a single unit for 2 months straight.

I had tried a couple different websites:

I had tried a couple different websites:

My car was more than my car. My car was my closet, my camp, my home, my escape, my safety, and my autonomy. It represented my ability to do what I wanted, when I wanted. To me: it was the beginning and the end of my independence.

But, as always, the universe laughs at plans. And man, did I have some big plans.

I had intended on buying my van when I had saved enough money (full transperency

Detail 2

This episode includes a lot of ridiculousness with my father. And figuring out some measurements…sorta… oh yea, and sound deadener too. But mainly, just a lot of ridiculousness with my father.