Nail Biter
I bite my nails.
I’ve been trying to stop for,
well, forever.
I’ve been told it’s similar to cigarettes and alcohol and,
well, every other addiction.
Used for comfort.
To take the edge off.
An illusion of control.
Over the last 5 years, I’ve dabbled in nail sobriety.
I’ve relapsed a few times.
I’ve recovered just as many.
Right now?
Finger nails look great.
Thumb nails?
thumb nails are keeping me humble.
This all to say:
right now, my best looks like
8 out of 10.
And I think an 8/10 attitude is an attitude we can all get behind right now.
Edit: if you are one of the rare humans in 2020 that has had a 10/10 year, I applaud you. Well done.
That being said, I see your 10/10 and I lower it to a reasonable 8/10.
TLDR: 8/10 is the new 10/10.