Covid Love
You tell me you can smell resentment from a mile away.
That you can hear it in my tone.
But we are more than a mile away.
We are miles.
3,020 miles to be exact.
The word makes me angry.
Like grit between my teeth.
“Why am I so angry?” a thought slips.
“Because you’re shaken,” something deeper chimes.
“Settle,” says the place without words.
I sit.
I settle.
And then..
“I am angry,” I say,
“I am angry that you are there.
And I am here.
But I am more angry
that you have to stay there.
And I have to stay here.”
A thought catches.
I hear it echo in my ears
as it slides back down my throat,
“I am the most angry
that here and there feel like nowhere
because I am not with you.”